Wednesday 9 December 2009

Days 7 and 8: "Paper shoes are all the rage, as long as you're not in the rain"

Day 7:
Not an item as such, more a job I've been avoiding. A massive pile of paper recycling to be carried to two streets away to the recycling bin (when did I become so lazy?). No doubt I will have to do this again at least twice before the pledge is up.

Day 8:
A wonderfully awful pair of trainers that I bought a few years ago, which have not been able to withstand the fact that I have had some kind of personality transplant and have started to play Netball weekly. The requirement for new ones hit me when I sprained both ankles in one game. So, out go old cheap ones, in come fancy new Nike ones. Oh God, what have I become.

Monday 7 December 2009

Days 3 - 6: Clothing purge

Owing to various factors, including Belgians, Risk and a little bit of Shakespeare, this is a bulk post. This happens to be quite apt as all the things I have purged are in that same dreaded group - clothes that you don't wear but don't want to get rid of. I have, again, had to be harsh with myself and just do it.

Day 3: White, scratchy gloves. I only wear these when they coordinate, and then immediately regret it as they are ridiculously uncomfortable, and definitely too small. Gone.

Day 4: Horrible black shiny corset. I am not 14. Enough said.

Day 5: Red stripy New Look top that I once got told I could not wear in Scotland, as it obviously indicated my allegiance with the English. Completely daft. Also completely unflattering.

Day 6: Once-lovely white shirt from Next that I bought in a hurry in the days when I rarely set foot in Next. It was a good buy until the armpit seam started to unravel, and has been a massive hole for a while now. Attractive? I think not.

So, there we go. Some sort of clothes cull is likely to make up the bulk of the 100 days, and I now wonder why I kept all of these items in the first place... Ah, it's working!